November 2023 Prayer Diary
Our November prayer diary, written by Hilary Prescott
WED 1 ALL SAINTS Almighty God, we give thanks for all the people , past and present, whose Christian faith has inspired others on a worldwide or local scale, especially those who have suffered for their love of Christ. Thank you for the Christians today who encourage and enlighten us: may your blessing rest on them. Be with those gathered this evening for the Celtic Service.
THURS 2 Lord, we come to ask your healing,/teach us of love;/all unspoken shame revealing,/teach us of love./Take our selfish thoughts and actions,/petty feuds, divisive factions,/hear us now to you appealing,/teach us of love.
FRID 3 Let us pray for safety as well as enjoyment for all organising and attending Fireworks and Bonfire events this weekend, and give thanks for the members of the Fire Services.
SAT 4 Tomorrow is the Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Lord, we bring before you persecuted Christians for your protection, comfort and strength in their time of need, remembering that numbers have increased globally in recent years, especially in Africa. Grant them the faith and the courage they need to hold firm.
SUN 5 ALL SOULS As we remember today people whom we have loved but are no longer with us, let us pray that all mourners attending today’s All Souls joint service at the Methodist Church might find comfort and strength in what they hear and experience.
MON 6 In a month which seems to focus a lot on looking back, Lord God, grant us the courage and determination to look forward with hope and the resolution to do ever better- for you, our community, the world and ourselves.
TUES 7 Lord God, may your holy blessing rest on all who live in Ewart Street, Chirk.
WED 8 Thank you, Lord, for all who run St. Mary’s Toddlers Group and for their dedication and hard work. We ask you to bless them and the families who attend. We also bring before you the Eco Church Committee meeting today.
THURS 9 Heavenly Father, we ask for your blessing on all who help clean our churches and make them fit places for worship and fellowship.
FRID 10 O God, we pray for Chirk Leisure Centre and the important role it plays in the community and we commit to you the staff and all people who attend.
SAT 11 ARMISTICE DAY On this special day, Lord God of peace, we give thanks for all who have dedicated their lives or lost their lives in the service of our country; those who have been injured physically or mentally. We pray that they might receive the support they need, and give thanks for charities and organisations which give help.
SUN 12 REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Let us commit to God the special services and parades being held all over the country: for good attendance and the opportunity to inspire and help all who take part. Let us also pray for the thousands of people who, having lost people they knew and loved, face their memories and perhaps struggle to find comfort and release.
MON 13 Let us pray today for our local schools- their staff, pupils and governors, especially as they approach a busy time of year and will be working on Christmas events.
TUES 14 Almighty God, we pray for the ministers and congregations of the Offa Mission Area, especially as they plan for Advent and Christmas events.
WED 15 Heavenly Father, we ask you to guide the members of St. Mary’s Church Committee as they meet this evening, so that your will is reflected in the ideas and decisions made.
THURS 16 Most high, glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart and give me a right faith, a sure hope, a perfect charity, sense and knowledge, so that I might carry out your holy and true command.
Francis of Assisi 1182-1226
FRID 17 Loving Lord God, we bring before you all who are acting as carers- whether family members, friends or professionals; we pray the gifts of love, patience, energy and wisdom in the relationships involved which may be causing weariness and sadness.
SAT 18 Heavenly Father, we pray for the sick, in body, mind or spirit- for their healing and restoration to wholeness. May they know the blessing of your comforting presence and find peace.
SUN 19 Thank you, O Lord, for our church sidespeople: we ask you to bless them in their work of welcoming and helping all come to worship. We also ask for your blessing on the two groups of family and friends involved in the Baptism Service at St. Mary’s today.
MON 20 Let us commit to God for His guidance all members of Chirk Town Council as they prepare for Christmas time celebrations in Chirk.
TUES 21 The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance… 2 Corinthians 6-8
WED 22 Loving Lord God, we pray for today’s service led by St. Mary’s at Chirk Court , and ask that your Holy Spirit will rest on all who attend; may they find comfort ,strength and enjoyment from their meeting with you and each other.
THURS 23 O Lord, we give you thanks for the service of the Holy Eucharist, and for those who preside, serve, administer the chalice or prepare the altar beforehand. We ask for your blessing on them, and we pray too for the congregation gathered at St. Mary’s this morning, that they might find comfort and inspiration from the time of worship.
FRID 24 Heavenly Father, we commit to you the Churches Together Advent discussion groups starting today: may the sessions prove helpful and stimulating for all who attend. Please help the leaders as they prepare and guide the discussions of the topics.
SAT 25 Thank you, O Lord, for the people who have organised and are helping at St. Mary’s Christmas Fair today. We pray for a happy, well attended and successful event.
SUN 26 CHRIST THE KING Eternal Father, whose Son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he might rule over all things as Lord and King: keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace, and bring alive the whole created order to worship at his feet; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever . Amen (Collect )
MON 27 Loving Lord God, we give thanks for Chirk Community Hospital and ask for your blessing on the medical and administrative staff, and on the in-patients and day patients treated there. May the patients experience your healing touch and peace and wholeness of body, mind and spirit. We pray especially for patients who have had to stay in hospital for a long while and for those who have few visitors.
TUES 28 Loving Lord, we pray that you might bless all who live along Canalside in Chirk.
WED 29 Heavenly Father, we ask that your Holy Spirit will rest on all at the Offa Mission Area Committee meeting today and that discussions and decisions will be guided so that your will is carried out in mission and worship in our area.
THURS 30 ST. ANDREW Today let us remember the life and ministry of St. Andrew, and ask God to help us to be good witnesses in our journeys and our meetings with different people and in the communities we come across. Let us pray too for all Christians in Scotland and for a vibrant expression of Christianity there.