May 2023 Prayer Diary
Our monthly prayer diary written by Hilary Prescott
MON 1 PHILIP AND JAMES As we remember Philip and James and their pioneering work in spreading the good news about Jesus, Lord, help us not to forget that you have also called us to show in our words and actions Christ’s saving grace in the world. We pray for all at this time who are dedicating their lives to witnessing to the Christian faith in their writings, their preaching and their work for the poor and needy.
TUES 2 Thank you, Heavenly Father, for our churchwardens and for all they do to support and promote the smooth running of our worship and church life. Keep them in health and give them the energy and time they need for their vital work.
WED 3 On this World Press Freedom Day, let us remember before God people who work for the press in its various forms, and pray for integrity and a willingness to serve the communities they belong to. Let us pray also for all who in their pursuit and promotion of the truth face persecution, imprisonment and even death.
Let us also pray for a fruitful and helpful Offa Mission Area AGM at Rhosymedre this evening, and give thanks for those people who are willing to attend.
THURS 4 Lord, we give thanks for Chirk Court: for the residents and staff: please bless them. May your Holy Spirit rest on all attending today’s service led by St. Mary’s.
FRID 5 Almighty God, we commit to you our vicar, curate and all those who help with services in our churches. May they know the power of your Holy Spirit strengthening and encouraging them. We also pray for the success any services and events marking the Coronation which involve our churches and communities.
SAT 6 Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, bless Charles our King, whose coronation we now celebrate. Help him to fulfil his responsibilities, that by his influence he may maintain unity, goodwill and peace among his peoples and that persevering in good works to the end, he may, by your mercy come to your everlasting kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever .Amen (Collect for the day)
SUN 7 Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the families who attend our churches and for the leaders and church members who help nurture their faith; may that faith and commitment to the church and to Christ grow.
MON 8 The Joy the Lord gives you will make you strong. Nehemiah 8:10
TUES 9 O Lord God, we pray for the success of today’s Minimarket and ask for your blessing on all who are involved in the markets and on all the people who attend.
WED 10 Loving Lord God, we bring before you the families attending St. Mary’s Toddlers Group, that they might find the welcome, fellowship and help they receive really encouraging. Please bless the hard-working team who run the sessions.
THURS 11 Lord, may your blessing rest on all who live in Trevor Road, Chirk.
FRID 12 O Almighty God, we give thanks for our local hospitals and Health Centre, and ask you to empower all the staff who care for the patients with your healing spirit, and strengthen and bring to wholeness of body and spirit these patients.
SAT 13 Christian Aid Coffee Morning O Lord, we pray for the success of the Churches Together Christian Aid Coffee Morning which is taking place at the same time as the Chirk Gardening Club Sale. May all who attend enjoy the occasion, and we ask you to bless the organisers and helpers.
SUN 14 Christian Aid Week begins. Let us pray for the charity, for its workers and the people in need whom they help. And let us ask God to bless all volunteers involved in the Week and ask that the days ahead will be very successful in raising funds. May our local fund-raising prove very effective.
MON 15 Let us give thanks for all who help clean our churches and make them fit places for worship. May God grant the time and energy they need.
TUES 16 The fullness of the Christian life cannot be known except in fellowship- fellowship with God and fellowship with one another. Moreover, the purposes of God in this world require a social organisation by which to express themselves. W E Sangster Methodist preacher
WED 17 Thank you, O God, for Chirk Library and its staff and the good service they provide for so many in the community. Please continue to bless the people who work there and those they help.
THURS 18 ASCENSION DAY Grant we pray, almighty God, that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens, so we in heart and mind may also ascend and with him continually dwell; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen (Collect)
FRID 19 Heavenly Father, we commit to you our local schools- the pupils and staff. We especially pray for all taking public examinations this summer.
SAT 20 O God, we give thanks for all who read the lessons in our churches , and ask that you might bless them. Help them to convey the meaning of the texts clearly and effectively.
SUN 21 Let us pray for a successful Churches Together Christian Aid Service this evening at the Methodist Church and ask God to inspire the Christian Aid worker leading the worship and encourage a developing sense of fellowship between those who attend.
MON 22 God, we bring before you the ministers and congregations of the Offa Mission Area. May your Holy Spirit guide and encourage them so that your will be carried out in their communities.
TUES 23 Lord of all Creation , we give thanks for the farmers and their workers in the area and for their important work . Please bless them in all they do and grant them the support they might need.
WED 24 O Lord, we know that you are a loving and caring God and hold dear all your children. Please support and give courage ,hope, energy and patience to all who caring for a family member or a friend, especially if they are not well themselves or are tired and discouraged.
THURS 25 Holy Lord, we give thanks for The Holy Eucharist and pray that this morning’s service might bring spiritual refreshment to all who attend. Thank you too for the fellowship between the members of the regular congregation.
FRID 26 Almighty God, may your blessing rest on all who live along Woodland Road in Fron.
SAT 27 Loving Lord, we commit to your healing and strengthening care all whom we know who are ill and all in our parishes who face ill health , especially on a chronic level. Be with those who are anxiously waiting for appointments, treatment or results.
SUN 28 PENTECOST God, who as at this time taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit; grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Christ Jesus our Saviour who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
MON 29 O Thou who camest from above/ the fire celestial to impart,/kindle a flame of sacred love/on the mean altar of my heart. Jesus, confirm my heart’s desire/to work and speak and think for thee;/still let me guard the holy fire/and still stir up the gift in me.
TUES 30 Let us pray for the success of the businesses in our area.
WED 31 As we remember Jesus, our Friend and Redeemer, let us commit to Him our friends, giving thanks for all they give us, and asking that we may be good friends ourselves, following the example of Christ in love and unselfishness.