May 2021 Prayer Diary
Prayer diary written by Hilary Prescott
SAT 1 Lord, we give thanks for the lives and witness of SAINTS PHILIP AND JAMES and their work in establishing the early church, and for all who in past and present have proclaimed the gospel, often at great risk to themselves.
SUN 2 Let us thank God for everyone in the Offa Mission Area who has worked so hard to provide online services, study groups and meetings, and so helped to our faith and our communities alive and flourishing.
MON 3 On this WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY, Lord, we pray for all countries where the Press and Media are stifled or information is distorted by government or political groups; where journalists and others attempting to portray the truth are persecuted, imprisoned or even killed. We pray for the integrity of our own country’s Press and give thanks for members of our local press who help celebrate our communities and keep us informed about local events and matters of interest.
TUES 4 Creator Lord, we pray for all involved in agriculture and horticulture in our area, that you will guide and bless them in their important work.
WED 5 Loving Lord God, we bring before you Chirk Community Hospital, giving thanks for its staff, medical , administrative and for their dedication and skill. We ask you to bless them and also members of Chirk Hospital Circle of Friends. Be with all the patients who are cared for by these people.
THURS 6 Lord God, we pray that you will bless all who live in Coronation Drive, Chirk.
FRID 7 Heavenly Father, we pray for all who are persecuted for their faith, that you will be with them and strengthen and uphold them. Thank you for the organisation, Open Doors, which supports such people and helps tell the world of the horror of increased persecution of Christians and indeed people of other faiths. We pray for good relations between faiths in Great Britain.
SAT 8 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint and strengthens the powerless.
Isaiah 40. V. 28-9
SUN 9 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK BEGINS Thank you, Almighty God, for the Christian Aid organisation and its wonderful work helping the needy throughout the world and in dealing with the victims of crises. Thank you for the way the workers and supporters are living out the Christian message of loving your neighbour, often in a sacrificial way. We do pray that this week will raise a lot of money for Christian Aid and that you will bless all involved in this organisation. Be with all attending services dedicated to its work.
MON 10 Heavenly Father, we ask you to help all organisations who seek to care for your world, for its environment, flora and fauna, and we pray for all people badly affected by climate change and its impact on their environment and lifestyle.
TUES 11 Lord, we commit to you our Vicar, curate and our churchwardens and those helping the churchwardens, as they endeavour to work out what is best for our churches and congregations in these difficult and confusing times. Please guide them in the decisions they make and encourage them in all they do.
WED 12 Lord, we bring before you the staff and pupils of our local schools, and pray for their safety and well-being, and ask that they might be able to catch up successfully on the education they have missed.
THURS 13 ASCENSION DAY Grant, we pray , almighty God, that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens, so we in heart and mind may also ascend and with him continually dwell; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen (Collect)
FRID 14 Mental Health Awareness Week began yesterday, so let us pray for all who are suffering from Mental Health problems and ask that they might receive the help they need; and let us ask God to empower all organisations and Health Service groups who work so hard to give support or carry out research. Lord, we also bring before you the friends and families of people with these problems, who themselves might be finding it difficult to cope.
SAT 15 Father, Lord of all creation,/ground of being, life and love; height and depth beyond description/only life in you can prove: you are mortal life’s dependence…
Jesus Christ, the Man for others,/we, your people, make our prayer: help us love- as sisters, brothers-all whose burden we can share.
Holy Spirit, rushing, burning/wind and flame of Pentecost,/fire our hearts afresh with yearning/to regain what we have lost.
SUN 16 Lord God Almighty, we give you thanks for our faith, for our knowledge of your love for us and your world so that whatever our circumstances we can nevertheless rejoice in your care and know that in this uncertain mortal life we can hold on to your promise of eternal life and the love of Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and for ever.
MON 17 Lord God, we commit to you Gregory , our Bishop, and all who work for our diocese of St. Asaph, whether as clergy, in admin or supportive roles. May they be inspired and empowered by your Holy Spirit.
TUES 18 Let us commit to our Lord the young people in our area, and pray for their well-being and for appropriate support.
WED 19 O Eternal God our Father, we pray for people who have been bereaved: grant them strength, comfort and peace in their loss, and help them to cope with any feelings of failure or guilt they might have. Thank you for our local undertakers and help them in their important work.
THURS 20 Almighty God, we pray for the churches in our local Mission Area and ask that you will guide the ministers and parishioners as they navigate their way round current Coronavirus rules and regulations, and seek to meet the needs of church and community. We also ask for your guidance as members of Chirk Churches Together begin to think about our future work and mission together.
FRID 21 Lord, we ask you to watch over all who live along Woodland Road in Fron.
SAT 22 Loving God, we ask you to send your Spirit of Healing on all whom we know who are ill at this time and on the sick and suffering in our communities; may they be restored to wholeness of body, mind and spirit, and granted patience and strength if they are waiting for results, appointments or for surgical procedures.
SUN 23 PENTECOST God, who at this time taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen (Collect)
MON 24 As what would be the holiday period gets into gear, Lord, we commit to you all who are involved in the tourist industry and catering and hospitality establishments in our area; help them as they adapt to new rules. May they survive and continue to give pleasure to many people.
TUES 25 As Covid regulations perhaps relax, we pray, O God, that we and others will consider other people in what we do as we make the most of our freedoms. We ask that you will guide all leaders having to discern the best actions to take.
WED 26 We pray, O Lord, for all people in our area who are unemployed or facing the loss of a job or a reduction in income. We ask that they will receive the advice and support which they need.
THURS 27 We commit to you, Heavenly Father, the communities of Fron and Chirk and give thanks for all the people who have continued to be busy supporting all aspects of community life, often in a voluntary capacity, and often unnoticed. We pray that you will bless them and their work.
FRID 28 How paltry must be the devotions of those who are always in a hurry. There is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him. He who has learned to pray has learned the greatest secret of a holy and happy life.
William Law 1686-1761English clergyman and religious writer
SAT 29 Almighty God, this past year or so has meant we have had to readjust our lives and see them from a different perspective. We pray that your Holy Spirit will help us to see what we might need to change in ourselves and our lives so that we might in the future live more fully according to your Holy Will for us.
SUN 30 TRINITY SUNDAY Almighty God, we give you praise and thanks that we believe in you, a God who though you created and still uphold the unimaginable universe, show your love for each of us as an individual through your Son , Jesus Christ, your human face, and maintain your presence and power in the Holy Spirit.
MON 31 Lord God, we pray that this Bank Holiday might enable us to relax with family and friends and that it might be an enriching time for all. We pray for people who are worn out and longing for a break and for renewal but might not be able to enjoy these benefits.