June 2022 Prayer Diary
Prayer diary written by our worship leader, Hilary Prescott.
WED 1 Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the team running The Saint Mary’s Toddlers Group; we pray for successful and happy sessions now that the group has restarted and ask that your blessing might rest on all involved.
THURS 2 Gracious God, we give you thanks for the reign of your servant Elizabeth our Queen, and for the example of loving and faithful service which she has shown among us. Help us to follow her dedication and to commit our lives to you and one another, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
FRID 3 Loving Lord God, we commit to you all the events at national and local levels taking place to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, that they might be times of joy and fellowship and truly honour The Queen and our country. We pray for Her Majesty’s health and strength during this important time in her reign, and for everyone involved in organising and helping at the events.
SAT 4 Heavenly Father, we pray for the success of the events and services taking place in Chirk and Fron this weekend. We pray too for the Churchyard Group Plant Sale at St. Mary’s this morning. Thank you for the hard work and enthusiasm of all in our community involved in arranging the celebrations.
SUN 5 PENTECOST God, who at this time taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen (Collect for the day)
MON 6 Yesterday was Environment Sunday, so let our prayers today focus on asking God our Creator to encourage and bless all who are endeavouring to care wisely for the environment- the land, wildlife and helping others to learn more about the world they live and the need to conserve its beauty and usefulness.
TUES 7 (Jesus said ) But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. John 14. 26-7
WED 8 Lord, we pray that you will bless all who live in South View, Chirk.
THURS 9 O Lord, we pray for the schools in our area, for the staff, pupils and their families and for the governors. We ask you to bless their endeavours.
FRID 10 Almighty God, we pray that the visitors to our churches, whether to look around, to pray or to participate in worship, might find refreshment and peace and a sense of your holy presence.
SAT 11 ST. BARNABAS Almighty God, thank you for the life and witness of St. Barnabas in the early days of the Church; may we too live lives which testify to our love for you in response to your great love for us, and which help to bring others closer to you.
SUN 12 TRINITY SUNDAY O Lord our God, we give you thanks and praise that we know you as omnipotent Creator and Father, in Jesus as a friend and brother and in the Holy Spirit as the source of your power energising and guiding us, all caught up in the grace of your abounding love.
MON 13 Heavenly Father, may your blessing rest on all the people who live along Yr Ochr in Fron.
TUES 14 I asked God for strength that I might achieve,/I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey./I asked for health that I might do greater things./I was given infirmity that I might do better things./I asked for riches that I might be happy./I was given poverty that I might be wise. (first part of ‘prayer’ by a Confederate Soldier in the 1860’s.)
WED 15 Let us pray for the happiness and well-being of the staff and residents of Chirk Court.
THURS 16 CORPUS CHRISTI Let us give thanks for the wonder of the Holy Eucharist and the blessings it showers upon us. May all attending this morning’s service at St. Mary’s be granted strength and peace to face the week ahead.
FRID 17 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,/my daily labour to pursue;/thee, only thee, resolved to know,/in all I think or speak, or do. The task thy wisdom hath assigned/O let me cheerfully fulfil;/in all my works thy presence find,/and prove thy good and perfect will.
SAT 18 Lord, thank you for the people who work in our area as First Responders and ambulance drivers and paramedics . We ask that you will bless them in their vital work and grant them the conditions they need to function as they would wish.
SUN 19 On this Fathers’ Day, let us ask God our Father to be with all fathers and guide them as they carry out their roles. May He encourage and help all who are finding being a parent a difficult task and also be with children who are suffering because of inadequate or cruel fathers.
MON 20 As World Refugee Week begins, Lord, we bring before you all who are forced to become refugees because of the situation in their countries, that they might find secure and welcoming places of refuge. Be with them on their journeys and bless all who offer them help and homes.
TUES 21 O God, we pray for a happy and successful Mini Market today and ask for your blessing to rest on those who help run the sessions and those who come along for refreshment and fellowship.
WED 22 Lord, thank you for all who volunteer to help clean our churches and our Church Hall, and for those who help prepare these places for worship and events; may they know your blessing upon them and all they do.
THURS 23 Loving Lord God, we bring before you all whom we know who are ill and anyone in our communities who is ailing. May they know your healing power upon them and the strength to face the future.
FRID 24 BIRTH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST Let us give thanks for the life and preaching of John the Baptist, and pray that, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we might heed his words and turn aside from anything in our lives which is not pleasing to God and which might not be fit to build up God’s kingdom here on earth.
SAT 25 Tomorrow the Church remembers Victims of Torture, so, Lord, we bring before you all such victims and ask that they might be rescued from their pain and fear, and if not, be given strength to endure and hope for their relief, knowing your presence with them. Please be with the individuals and organisations which are dedicated to giving help and working towards the elimination of the cruelty.
SUN 26 O God, we give thanks for the members of our bell-ringing team and ask you to bless them in their important witness in our area.
MON 27 Almighty God our Father, we pray for the ministers and congregations of the Offa Mission Area, especially those who are new to the group . Please send your Holy Spirit upon them and their worship and witness.
TUES 28 Loving Lord God, we pray that your Holy Spirit might rest on and empower our vicar, curate and all who help with worship and witness in our churches.
WED 29 PETER AND PAUL Heavenly Father, may our churches , part of your One Church in the world, not forget the sacrificial example of service and witness shown by the two great apostles, and not be afraid to speak out about your existence and to proclaim your kingdom . Thank you for all whose love for you shines out in the darkness of ignorance and doubt.
THURS 30 Almighty God, we give thanks for our local hospitals and Health Centre and for the staff who work there. May your blessing rest upon them and your healing power bring new life and hope to the patients.