July Prayer Diary
Written by our Worship Leader, Hilary Prescott.
WED 1 Creator and ruler of the universe, we bring before you the leaders and governments of the world, and ask that you may guide them in the ways of peace, justice and truth. Help them as they make decisions regarding the Coronavirus situation in their areas.
THURS 2 Thank you, Heavenly Father, for our vicar and curate and lay reader. We ask you to bless and inspire them in all they do for our churches. We also pray for your Holy Spirit to rest on all the ministers in the Offa Mission Area.
FRID 3 ST. THOMAS Lord God, we give thanks for the mission of St. Thomas and for his readiness to ask questions and discern the truth for himself. Help us, dear Lord, not to be afraid to ask awkward questions about our faith , the Church and the world, and so come to a deeper understanding of you and your will for us.
SAT 4 Thank you, Lord, for our pastoral visitors and their work in supporting and encouraging other members of our churches and the people in our locality. Guide and support them, we pray.
SUN 5 Almighty God our Father, we are grateful for the fellowship and love shared in our church families which reaches beyond the walls of our churches. We pray for right decisions to be made and right actions taken about the accessibility of our churches and the nature of the spiritual care which we can offer at this time.
MON 6 Lord, we pray for the staff of our local schools, and ask that you will protect and guide them as they seek to help the children and families in their care. We ask that all the children remain well and settle in happily once they can return to the classroom.
TUES 7 We give hearty thanks , O Lord, for the doctors and nurses and support staff in our local hospitals, hospices and Health Centre. May they remain safe as they help those in their care. Grant them the energy, compassion and skill they need; and may all the patients, especially those who are worried or feeling alone, know your healing and comforting touch.
WED 8 Lord God, may all who live along Methodist Hill in Fron know your blessing and love in their lives.
THURS 9 Gracious God, we bring before you all children who are suffering in any way, especially the neglected, abused and orphaned. We ask that they will receive the help and love they need. Thank you for the NSPCC and for all who help to raise the funds for their important work. May their efforts be rewarded.
FRID 10 Almighty God, we pray for the survival and success of the businesses and industries in our area as they adapt to the current circumstances. May they receive the support they need.
SAT 11 Tomorrow is designated as being a day when the Church is recognising the problems of those with disabilities. Lord, it is so easy to take for granted health and independence- until we experience their diminution or loss. Help us to make the most of our levels of fitness and health. We commit to you all people who have some degree of disability, and pray that they might be granted the support they need. We ask that individuals, organisations and charities caring for people with disabilities may also be blessed and enabled to fulfil their purposes effectively.
SUN 12 SEA SUNDAY Let us give thanks for all who earn their living on and by the sea: fishermen, people in container ships, members of the Royal Navy and The Marines, those who serve as lifeboat men or coastguards. We ask for their protection in their often dangerous and lonely lives. We also pray that you will guide people responsible for the wellbeing of our seas, that the right decisions will be made for the future.
MON 13 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old/was strong to heal and save; it triumphed o’er disease and death, /o’er darkness and the grave….Be thou our great deliv’rer still,/thou Lord of life and death;/restore and quicken, soothe and bless,/with thine almighty breath.;/ to hands that work, and eyes that see,/give wisdom’s heav’nly lore,/that whole and sick , and weak and strong,/may praise thee evermore.
TUES 14 O God of healing, we pray for your strengthening and healing touch to rest upon all whom we know who are ill in body, mind or spirit, for the sick in our area and in our local hospitals. We think of those coping alone; enduring chronic conditions and pain; undergoing difficult treatment or who have had to face delays in diagnosis and treatment.
WED 15 Lord , we pray for your blessing on all who live in Maes Y Waun , Chirk.
THURS 16 Let us pray for our local funeral directors, that God will uphold them in their sensitive and important work and as they have to adjust to changes in their methods caused by the virus outbreak.
FRID 17 Thank you, Lord God, for all who serve on our Town Council and on Wrexham Council. We ask that you will bless and guide them in their work, especially as they seek to support the communities coping with the effects of the Coronavirus.
SAT 18 Almighty God our Father, we pray for Bishop Gregory as he leads our diocese and Mission Areas. Grant him through the power of your Holy Spirit the wisdom and sensitivity he needs as he seeks to promote the spiritual and social welfare of the people in the area.
SUN 19 Although our churches’ work with children and young people has been affected, we pray for those children connected with our churches and in the community, and ask that you will guide us in our mission to them and their families.
MON 20 Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. Rev. 3.20
TUES 21 Let us give thanks for the ambulance workers, paramedics and First Responders in our area and for all who work in the control centres, and ask God to bless them in their vital work.
WED 22 MARY MAGDALENE Help us, dear Lord, like Mary, to be duly thankful for your saving power and love, and so offer up our own lives in your service, whatever the difficulties that choice might bring.
THURS 23 Almighty Father, many of us have felt the restrictions of living under lockdown, but they can be nothing to those experienced by people in prison. We pray for all prisoners, especially those in HMP Berwyn, that they might find the right direction in their lives despite the pressures of life in a prison. We commit to you the officers working there, and all who as professional or volunteer, seek to help and support the men and their families.
FRID 24 Heavenly Father, we commit into your care, you who know and love each one of as your child, women who are pregnant or couples who have recently become parents. May they receive the love and support they need and be guided by you in how to bring up a child ready to face the world and eternity.
SAT 25 ST. JAMES THE APOSTLE Merciful God, whose holy apostle Saint James, leaving his father and all that he had was obedient to the calling of your Son Jesus Christ and followed him even unto death: help us, forsaking the false attractions of the world, to be ready at all times to answer your call without delay. Amen (Collect)
SUN 26 Almighty God, how thankful we should be that we know you and have faith in you, in however limited a way. May we today offer you our praise, and glorify you not just in our words but in our hearts and our lives, now and always.
MON 27 Lord, thank you for the gift of hearing and the way it enables us to live our lives more fully and more safely. We bring before you all who are deaf or losing their hearing, especially those who are anxious and feeling cut off from people. We also pray for the people who work for the organisations helping the deaf, and those giving aid in our hospitals and clinics.
TUES 28 Perhaps we have done everything in the world to find health and radiance, happiness and peace, except to listen to, and heed the soul, crying always the same plaintive cry, the cry of the stream for the ocean, the cry of the prisoner for freedom, the cry of the watcher for morning, the cry of the wanderer for home, the cry of the starving for food, the cry of the soul for God. Leslie Weatherhead British Methodist minister
WED 29 Lord, we give thanks for all who have in some way been keeping our churches and our grounds in Chirk and Fron safe and tidy, and those who have ensured spiritual and business matters have been kept up to date. Thank you too, for the bell ringers who have ensured that our community in Chirk remembers the importance of your Church.
THURS 30 Loving Lord, thank you for the loyalty and skill of all who act as carers, whether as a job as in Chirk Court, as a family member or friend. We pray for their well-being, especially for those who are frustrated, tired or who feel unsupported or out of their depth.
FRID 31 Almighty God, as we come to the end of another month, we recognise afresh how valuable are our friends and neighbours; thank you for their support and love, and help us to be good friends too. Yet we also ask for your blessing on people who are friendless and those who feel lonely and unwanted. Thank you that in Christ we have the best friend and one who will never leave off loving and caring for us.