February 2024 Prayer Diary
Our monthly prayer diary written by Hilary Prescott
THURS 1 Almighty Father, we bring before you our vicar and curate, that your blessing might rest upon them and encourage and strengthen them. We pray too for the rest of the clergy and assistants in the Offa Mission Area.
FRID 2 Presentation of Christ in the Temple As our Saviour Jesus Christ was recognised by Anna and Simeon in the Temple, may we too , O God, recognise him and acknowledge him in all we do and say in the months ahead, giving him due praise and honour.
SAT 3 Lord, we pray for all who work at Chirk Leisure Centre and ask you to bless them in their work for the community.
SUN 4 Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the families who attend our churches and ask that you will inspire and guide them in their journey of faith. We pray too for the families of the children attending our local schools, and for the staff and governors.
MON 5 Lord God, we bring before you the people who live and work in Colliery Rd. , Chirk, and ask for your blessing upon them.
TUES 6 Loving Lord God, we give thanks for our local hospitals and ask you to bless all who work in them. May your healing power rest on all the patients, especially those who have had to be in hospital for a long time.
WED 7 Let us pray for the families who attend St. Mary’s Toddlers’ Group and give thanks for the friendship and support they find there; let us ask God to bless and encourage all who run the sessions.
THURS 8 Thank you, Lord for all who organise and help with refreshments after services and at church events. May they know your blessing in all they do.
FRID 9 Thy hand, O God, has guided/thy flock, from age to age;/the wondrous tale is written,/full clear on ev’ry page;/our forebears owned thy goodness,/and we their deeds record;/and both of this bear witness;/one Church , one Faith, one Lord.
SAT 10 Lord God, we bring before you all who work so hard to keep our churchyards attractive and tidy and welcome to wildlife, and we give thanks for their efforts.
SUN 11 Today churches are focusing on Christian Action against Poverty, so let us pray for all people suffering from poverty and its effects. Let us pray too for the people seeking to relieve their suffering, that they might be given the resources and opportunities they need to carry out their work. May our churches do their best to join in this work.
MON 12 Loving Lord God, we pray for all who are mourning the loss of a loved one; may they find the comfort, strength and support they need.
TUES 13 SHROVE TUESDAY As we move into Lent, let us ask God to help us discipline ourselves to spend more time focusing on our relationship with Him and our commitment to living out our faith in all we do and say.
WED 14 ASH WEDNESDAY Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of those who are penitent: create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen (Collect)
THURS 15 Heavenly Father, we pray for the people who live in Greenfields, Fron, and ask for your blessing on them.
FRID 16 Let us give thanks for the volunteers in our area who run youth organisations and groups, ask our Lord to bless and encourage them in their important work. Let us also pray for the young people they lead and help.
SAT 17 Almighty God, we commit to you the residents and staff of Chirk Court. We pray too for the families and friends of the former, who like the people in Chirk Court, may have to adjust emotionally and socially to a new situation.
SUN 18 Help us, Almighty God, to concentrate fully in our worship today, so that what we sing, say and hear is an offering worthy of your majesty and love.
MON 19 Were there no God, we would be in this glorious world with grateful hearts, and no one to thank.
If I long to improve my brother, the first step toward doing so is to improve myself. Christina Rossetti 1830-94
TUES 20 Lord, we pray that families planning a Baptism this year might be encouraged by the Holy Spirit and find fresh faith and hope as they explore the process.
WED 21 Thank you, O Lord, for our churchwardens- for their considerable and sacrificial commitment of time, energy and skills as they aid our worship and church life. Please bless them richly.
THURS 22 Loving Heavenly Father, we commit to you all who at this time are suffering from some sort of mental illness- whether short or long term: may they receive the support they need and find fresh hope and peace and meaning in their lives.
FRID 23 Lord, we pray that the Churches Together Lent discussion group meetings, starting this morning, might prove stimulating and fruitful for all who lead and attend.
SAT 24 O Lord God, giver of strength and hope, we commit to your loving, healing care all whom we know who are ill, especially those suffering from chronic conditions; those waiting for appointments, results and treatment; those who are anxious, frustrated or frightened.
SUN 25 Heavenly Father, we give thanks for our congregation members who help administer the chalice for Holy Communion; we pray for your blessing on them in this important role.
MON 26 Seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Luke 11:9,10
TUES 27 Almighty God, we pray for your guidance for those in our churches who are pastoral visitors: grant them too the time, energy and love they need to be your presence in the homes and places they visit.
WED 28 Creator God, we bring before you the farmers and agricultural and horticultural workers in our area. Help them to cope with the demands of the weather and the tasks to be done at this time of year. May they know confidence and hope for the future in their vital work.
THURS 29 On this extra February Leap Year day, let us remember, O Lord, that each new day you grant us is special, to be appreciated and used to the full. Help us to find joy and meaning in the people, routines and surroundings we can so often take for granted.