April Prayer Diary
WED 1 Heavenly Father, with so much of our ordinary lives now disrupted, we are comforted that we can depend on you for strength and guidance and that in the midst of this changing, chaotic world you are unchanging and eternal and your love never fails.
THURS 2 Lord, we give thanks for the gift of the Holy Eucharist. Yet we know that you are still with us, your Holy Spirit empowering us as we go about our daily lives.
FRID 3 Loving Lord God, we pray for friends and family and people in our community who are worried about their loved ones; who are concerned about supporting them especially if they are at a distance; and those who themselves are in isolation and in need of help of some sort.
SAT 4 O God, may the power of your Holy Spirit rest on our vicar, curate, lay reader, and all the Mission Area ministers and helpers, that they might have the health, enthusiasm, energy and wisdom they need to cope with the demands of this busy and testing time.
SUN 5 PALM SUNDAY Lord God, on this Palm Sunday when we remember Jesus riding bravely into Jerusalem and the crowds cheering him, give us the courage we need to go forward in our journey of faith and witness. Help us not to forget to show our support for you in public, whatever the cost. And may we not let you down as did so many of the crowd.
MON 6 Lord, we commit to you and ask you to bless all who live in Chirk Bank.
TUES 7 Almighty Father, we pray for the housebound in our area, that they might receive the companionship and support they need. May they know the joy of your presence with them.
WED 8 As we ponder on your generosity and grace, O God, we pray that in remembering the supreme sacrifice offered by our Saviour, we ourselves might not stint in our giving to you of our time, talents and money to support your churches and their ministry.
THURS 9 MAUNDY THURSDAY God our Father, you have invited us to share in the supper which your Son gave to his Church to proclaim his death until he comes: may he nourish us by his presence, and unite us in his love; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
FRID 10 GOOD FRIDAY Almighty God, as we consider the courage and trust in you shown by Jesus as he faced the agony of his death on the cross, we pray for all who are suffering persecution and isolation for the sake of Christ and in witness to their faith. Although the usual activities marking this special day cannot take place, may we walk with you in our hearts and in prayer.
SAT 11 We give thanks, O God, for the people in our churches who donate flowers, money, time and skill to make our churches beautiful. May they know your rich blessing.
SUN 12 EASTER DAY Lord of all life and power, who through the resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with you in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might, now and in all eternity. Amen
MON 13 Let us pray that all visitors to our churches, whether for worship or to look around, might feel welcomed and at peace, and come away with a sense of God’s holy presence with them.
TUES 14 As the new Mini Markets season would have begun, knowing of its value in the past and its importance in the future, let us ask God to bless the team volunteers in their work and also the people who enjoy attending and buying the goods, so helping to support the work of the church in the community.
WED 15 Love’s redeeming work is done;/fought the fight, the battle won: lo, our Sun’s eclipse is o’er,/lo, he sets in blood no more.
THURS 16 Let us pray for the local children and their families during the break from school, remembering especially those who might be experiencing difficulties because of parents working or lack of funds.
FRID 17 Lord God, may your blessing rest on all who live along Woodland Grove in Fron.
SAT 18 Loving Lord God, we commit to your care all the patients treated in our local hospitals and Health Centre, that they might know your healing touch. We also bring before you people we know personally who are unwell, especially those whose lives seem ruled by pain and by medical appointments. We ask you to protect, guide and support the staff who carry out your healing work.
SUN 19 Father Almighty, we pray for our organists and choir members and give thanks for their important contribution to our worship.
MON 20 O God, thank you for the beauty of the area in which we live and for those who take care of the landscape and for all who work so hard to keep Chirk and Fron tidy and attractive
TUES 21 Lord, we pray the Offa Mission Area. Thank you for everyone who contributes in any way to the worship, witness and mission in our churches and communities. May they receive your empowering blessing.
WED 22 Heavenly Father, we pray for all the delegates and speakers of the Welsh Governing Body who would have been meeting this week: guide and encourage them in their discussions and decisions so that your will is done for the Church in Wales.
THURS 23 ST GEORGE Heavenly Father, we pray for all Christians in England, that they might be endowed with something of George’s faith and courage, We also lift up to you the staff and residents of Chirk Court.
FRID 24 Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world! John 16 33
SAT 25 ST.MARK As we remember with gratitude St. Mark and his contribution to the furtherance of Christianity, let us pray for all writers on Christian matters, that God might inspire and guide them in thoughts and words.
SUN 26 Heavenly Father, thank you for our churches’ work with families and children and for the organisers and helpers; we pray for the development of this work in church and the community and ask that the faith and enthusiasm of all those involved will grow.
MON 27 Almighty God, thank you for our lovely church buildings, and for all who have laboured or worshipped in them in the past and whose service in your name has enriched the lives of so many in church and community. May we ourselves be good stewards of our churches and so in our present create a valuable foundation for the future.
TUES 28 In each soul, God loves and partly saves the whole world which that soul sums up in an incommunicable and particular way. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
WED 29 Lord God, thank you for the fellowship between our churches: may it grow and prove ever more fruitful.
THURS 30 Let us commit to God the police in our area, that they might be guided and blessed by Him in their valuable work.
Prayer diary written by our worship leader, Hilary Prescott.
The prayer diary is also available for download: