April 2023 Prayer Diary
Our monthly prayer diary, written by Hilary Prescott
SAT 1 Heavenly Father, may your Holy Spirit encourage and empower all the clergy and their assistants in the Offa Mission Area in these busy days ahead.
SUN 2 PALM SUNDAY Lord God, may we be more willing to show openly our Christian faith and the joy and confidence we feel in welcoming Christ into our lives. Help us not to let you down and take the easy option when our commitment to you is challenged.
MON 3 We give thanks, O Lord, for our team of bell ringers: for their dedication, skill and their important contribution to worship and to the community. Be with them, we pray, during this Eastertide.
TUES 4 Thank you, Lord, for the people who contribute and arrange the flowers in our churches. We pray for those who will be involved in the floral decorations for Easter.
WED 5 A new commandment/ I give unto you:/that you love one another/as I have loved you,/that you love one another /as I have loved you. By this shall all know/that you are my disciples/if you have love one for another./By this shall all know/that you are my disciples/if you have love one for another.
THURS 6 MAUNDY THURSDAY Almighty God, as we remember the night of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, we give thanks for the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist so we too can share in that great dedication to His mission. Help us not to forget as well, the command to love you and our fellow human beings and to show it in humble service.
FRID 7 GOOD FRIDAY Let us pray today for all who are sorrowing and anxious witnesses to violent persecution and injustice. May God help them to stand firm in their loyalty and faith. May we too stand by Christ in our lives, and give thanks for the forgiveness and salvation offered us by His sacrifice on the cross.
SAT 8 EASTER EVE As we think of the disciples and Jesus’ friends sadly waiting and wondering after the death of Jesus, we pray, dear Lord, for all who mourn at this time, especially for those who grieve for people who have met violent deathsthrough crime or conflict and for loved ones who have disappeared.
SUN 9 EASTER DAY Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might, now and in all eternity. Amen (collect for the day)
MON 10 On this Bank Holiday, let us pray for the safety of all travellers and commit to God everyone who works for the Emergency services. Let us also pray for visitors to the area, that they will be refreshed and inspired by their visit and their welcome.
TUES 11 In the evening of our lives we will be examined in love.
Love unites the soul with God and the more love the soul has the more powerfully it enters into God and is centred on him.
St John of the Cross (1542-159I) Spanish Carmelite mystic
WED 12 O God, may your loving blessing rest on all who live along Woodland Grove in Fron.
THURS 13 Thank you, Lord, for all who belong to St. Mary’s Social Committee and do so much to boost the life of the church as well as its finances. Please bless them in all they do.
FRID 14 Almighty God, we pray for all who work in our local industries and ask for sustained good links with the community.
SAT 15 Thank you, Lord, for all who organise and lead sports teams in our area, and for their hard work in promoting exercise, team work and friendship in the community. May they be blessed and successful.
SUN 16 Lord, we bring before you the congregation of St. David’s, Fron, and pray for a useful AGM today after the service as members seek your will for worship and witness in the area.
MON 17 Heavenly Father, we pray for the young people and families who come to St. Mary’s, that their commitment and love for you might grow as they experience your love for them more deeply.
TUES 18 O God, we ask for your guidance at the meeting of the Churches Together Committee today. Thank you for all willing to serve in this group and to promote the joint Christian life of our churches.
WED 19 Let us pray for all those involved in preparations for the coronation of King Charles next month, whether at national or local level. May God grant them the patience, wisdom and energy they need to celebrate appropriately this dedication to you and to service of all your people.
THURS 20 As he was getting into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged him that he might be with him. But Jesus refused, and said to him, ‘Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you , and what mercy he has shown you.’ Mark 5 18-19
FRID 21 Thank you, Lord, for our churchyard groups and their hard work. May it bear fruit. We also commend to you those working to make our churches more eco-friendly.
SAT 22 As it is ST. GEORGE’s Day tomorrow, let us pray for all Christians in England and for a strengthening of their faith and a willingness to acknowledge and serve our Lord. May the Church of England move forward with confidence and a readiness to meet the real needs of churches and congregations.Let us also pray for the success of the NSPCC Spring Fair at St. Mary’s today.
SUN 23 Heavenly Father, we commit to you the congregation of St. Mary’s and pray that today’s AGM will be a time of celebration for the past and present life of the church, as well as the opportunity to discern your will for the future of church and community.
MON 24 Loving Lord God, we pray for your healing touch to rest on all whom we know who are unwell. May the patients in our local hospitals and Health Centre also know the restoration to wholeness which your Holy Spirit can give.
TUES 25 ST. MARK Lord, we give you thanks for the life and witness of St. Mark. Help us to use our talents effectively in your service and to be ready to venture into new territories of faith and witness, whatever stage of life we may be at.
WED 26 O God of all comfort and strength, we pray that the residents of Chirk Court might know your loving care, and we ask you to bless them and the staff there.
THURS 27 Let us pray for God’s blessing to rest on all who live in Church View, Chirk.
FRID 28 As our local schools step out into a new term, we pray, Lord, for your guidance and blessing on staff and pupils, so leading to fulfilling and successful weeks ahead.
SAT 29 Almighty God our Father, we pray for the congregation of St. David’s in Fron as they seek to encourage more people to join the church community and so be part of your great family in a special way. May the Church Open Day today attract people to look around and see not only the building but the life of the church too.
SUN 30 Today is Vocations Sunday, so let us pray for God’s guidance for all who feel called to some kind of Christian ministry, whether in a lay or ordained capacity. May their love for Christ be honoured as they explore their options.