November 2022 Prayer Diary
Our monthly prayer diary written by Hilary Prescott
TUES 1 ALL SAINTS On this day, let us thank God not only for the lives and witness of key Christian figures, but for all who believe and who honour God in their words and actions. But let us also commit to Him all Christians, on this International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, who face persecution , oppression and even death for their faith.
WED 2 ALL SOULS Loving Lord God, Lord of Eternal Life, we give thanks for the people whom we knew and cared for who are no longer with us. Comfort all who mourn, whether for a recent loss or a past one which still brings feelings of emptiness and sadness.
THURS 3 Almighty God, we pray for your blessing on all who live along Holyhead Road in Chirk.
FRID 4 I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong , and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord! Psalm 27 :13-14
SAT 5 Bonfire Night Lord, we pray for the safety of all attending firework events, whether at home or at a public event. We thank you for all who work for the local Fire Service and ask that you will be with them in their important operations.
SUN 6 Heavenly Father, we pray for a happy and well attendedFamily Service this morning at our churches, and ask that you will inspire the leaders, and that the young people and their families will be encouraged in their faith.
MON 7 O God, we give thanks forChirk Hospital, and ask that your blessing might rest on the staff, medical and administrative, and that their patients will know healing of body and mind. We also commit to you all who work for the hospital on a voluntary basis.
TUES 8 Let us pray for the success of our local businesses, especially as Christmas approaches.
WED 9 Let us pray for all living on Canal Side , Fron, and ask for God’s blessing on them.
THURS 10 Almighty God, we praise you for the chance to get to know you better through study, discussion and fellowship with our fellow Christians. Please inspire and encourage all leading and attending this year’s Churches Together Advent Study Sessions which begin this evening.
FRID 11 Armistice Day On this day, O God, we remember before you all who have given up their lives and well-being in the service of their country and in trying to help the world become a better place. Help us to be ready to do all we can to guarantee a better life for our fellow human beings.
SAT 12 Loving Lord God, we pray for the staff and residents of Chirk Court , for their health and well-being. We give thanks that more activities are available and for the fact that Chirk churches are now able to be there. Please bless any services or events we may hold over the next two months.
SUN 13 Remembrance Sunday Let us pray for all who remember and mourn loved ones maimed or killed in conflict and warfare, and give thanks for all organisations who help people affected directly or indirectly by conflict. May God bless everyone attending our local Remembrance services and ceremonies today.
MON 14 Lord of all Wholeness and Hope, we commit to you people we know who are ill and those people in our area who are unwell. We remember especially those who are worried and frightened, or worn out by a long illness or treatment, and those waiting for appointments or results. Please bless the work of Castle Health Centre and the staff there.
TUES 15 Thank you, Lord, for all who organise and help at St. Mary’s Mini Markets. We pray for the continued success of these occasions.
WED 16 Lord, we bring before you the families who attend St. Mary’s Toddlers’ Group, and also ask you to bless all who help at the sessions; thank you for their commitment and care for their charges.
THURS 17 Heavenly Father we pray for the welfare of the young people in the Chirk and Fron areas, and especially for those who are finding life difficult at the moment. Please empower all who as individuals or as members of organisations, are endeavouring to help them.
FRID 18 Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death; victory is ours through him who loved us.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
SAT 19 O God, we give thanks for St. Mary’s team of bell ringers and for their important contribution to worship and to the life of the community. We pray that the group will continue to flourish and to grow.
SUN 20 Christ the King Eternal Father, whose Son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he might rule over all things as Lord and King: keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace, and bring the whole created order to worship at his feet. Amen
MON 21 Heavenly Father we pray for the ministers and congregations of the Offa Mission Area, and ask you to bless them as they do their best to organise fund-raising events, to encourage more people to come to church and to serve the local community. Thank you for the Leader and all members of the Mission Area Committee who have taken on special roles.
TUES 22 Almighty God, we pray for the staff and pupils of our local schools as they prepare for Christmas. Grant them the health, energy and enthusiasm they need.
WED 23 Let us pray for God’s guidance at the meeting of the St. Mary’s Church Committee this evening, so that His will is achieved for the church and community.
THURS 24 Loving Lord God, we bring before you anyone in our area or someone we know who is lonely. We think of those who will face the festive season feeling alone, unwanted, and not part of things. May they know the comfort of your love and a friendly face.
FRID 25 Thank you, Lord, for our church organists- for their commitment, skill and the way they add so much to our worship. Please grant them the health, energy and time they need to cope with the demands of their contributions.
SAT 26 Let us give God thanks for all involved in arranging and helping at St. Mary’s Christmas Fair today and for their hard work and enthusiasm. Let us pray for a joyful and successful occasion.
SUN 27 ADVENT SUNDAY Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and to put on the armour of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which your Son Jesus Christ came to us in great humility; that on the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge the living and the dead, we may rise to life immortal; through him who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
MON 28 O Love that wilt not let me go,/I rest my weary soul in thee;/I give thee back the life I owe,/that in thine ocean depths its flow/may richer, fuller be.
TUES 29 Almighty God, there must be so many people worried about how they will cope over the festive season: concerned about the costs of heating, food, hospitality and transport as well as presents. We pray that they and all of us might find acceptable ways of enjoying Christmas . Help us all to remember that what is most important is the great gift of the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and that we can be comforted by the fact of God’s unfailing love for us through all things.
WED 30 ST. ANDREW O God, we give thanks for the life and mission of Andrew, and ask that we too, when called, might respond willingly and carry out what you want us to do eagerly, knowing that with your help we can achieve more than we dream of.