May 2024 Prayer Diary
This month’s prayer diary written by Hilary Prescott
WED 1 PHILIP AND JAMES Lord, help us to be like Philip and James, not to be afraid to take on a new challenge for the sake of promoting your kingdom, whether as an individual or part of our church work. Thank you that we can trust you to be with us.
THURS 2 As Pentre School is closed because of Polling Day, the pupils will be spending the day at St. Mary’s. Let us pray for those organising the day, and ask that the children will enjoy a happy and informative day.
FRID 3 WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY Lord God, we pray that the press throughout the world might operate with wisdom, fairness and in truth. We commit to you those organisations which find their freedom to tell the truth curtailed, and we give thanks for the bravery of all journalists, writers and media workers who risk their lives to expose corruption and injustice.
SAT 4 Heavenly Father, we commit to you our vicar and curate and the ministers of the Offa Mission Area. May your Holy Spirit encourage and empower them to carry out your will for your people. We pray too that your Holy Spirit will guide the right person to apply for the Offa Mission Area clergy post which is now available, and that they will be accepted.
SUN 5 ROGATION SUNDAY Lord, as we pray and give thanks for all debating their calling to ministry, help us to discern more clearly what you want us to do in your service.
MON 6 Loving Lord God, we give thanks for Chirk Community Hospital and for its staff; we ask you to bless the work done there. We also bring before you the in-patients and day patients, that they might experience your healing in body, mind and spirit.
TUES 7 Seek ye first the kingdom of God,/and his righteousness,/and all these things shall be added unto you;/allelu alleluia.
WED 8 Lord, we pray for the staff, governors and pupils of our local schools, and especially remember all who are preparing students for examinations, and the students themselves.
THURS 9 ASCENSION DAY Grant we pray, Almighty God, that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens, so we in heart and mind may also ascend and with him continually dwell; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
FRID 10 O God, we pray for all who work at Chirk Castle- both as paid staff and volunteers, and we give thanks for them. We also bring before you the many visitors there.
SAT 11 Lord, we ask for your blessing on all who live in Chirk Bank.
SUN 12 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK begins. Lord, we pray that this evening’s Churches Together Christian Aid Service at Sacred Heart will prove a well- attended and inspiring occasion. We ask too for your blessing on and protection for, all who work for Christian Aid and pray for a successful and joyful week of fund-raising.
MON 13 If you bear your cross cheerfully, it will bear you.
Man proposes but God disposes. Thomas a Kempis 1380-1471
TUES 14 Let us give thanks for Caffi Wylfa, for its welcome work for tourists and local people, and its generous donations towards community projects. May the Lord bless the organisers and all who work there and at Glyn Wylfa.
WED 15 Lord, may you bless and guide those who work so hard and effectively to promote our churches and our faith through our websites and social media and in producing posters.
THURS 16 Let us bring before God the residents and staff of Chirk Court, and ask for his blessing on the service there led by St. Mary’s today.
FRID 17 Lord, we ask you to bless the couple being married at St. Mary’s tomorrow and to grant them a happy and fulfilling life together. Please be with all attending the occasion.
SAT 18 CHURCHES TOGETHER CHRISTIAN AID COFFEE MORNING O Lord our God, we ask for your blessing on today’s special Coffee Morning at the Methodist Church. We pray for a good attendance, a happy time of fellowship and a successful fund-raising effort.
SUN 19 PENTECOST/WHIT SUNDAY O God, who at this time taught the hearts of your faithful people by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit: grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Collect
MON 20 May your blessing rest, Lord, on all who live along Woodland Road, Fron.
TUES 21 We give you thanks, O Lord, for the hard work that has enabled St. Mary’s Church to win an Eco Church Silver award; please continue to bless everyone involved in promoting the scheme. Help us all to do the best we can to appreciate and care for the wonderful world you have created.
WED 22 Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all who volunteer for St. Mary’s Church Committee and their work for our church and community. Please bless and guide them in their decisions and actions. May your Holy Spirit be with all at this evening’s Church Committee meeting so that your will is carried out.
THURS 23 I have learned to be content with whatever I have…I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4 11,13
FRID 24 Lord, we give thanks for St. Mary’s Bell-ringing team, for their enthusiasm, skill and dedication. Please bless their efforts to raise money to improve the existing bells and buy new ones.
SAT 25 Thank you, O Lord, for all who provide refreshments and serve them after services and at church events, giving generously of their time, money and skill. May they be blessed in what they do.
SUN 26 TRINITY SUNDAY Almighty and everlasting God, you have given us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity and in the power of the divine majesty to worship the Unity: keep us steadfast in this faith, that we may evermore be defended from all adversities ; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Collect
MON 27 Loving Lord God, we bring before you all whom we know who are unwell; all waiting for an appointment or treatment, especially if they are suffering great pain and anxiety. May they know your healing touch.
TUES 28 Let us pray for all the young people in our area- for their well-being and successful futures; let us also ask God to bless people who who work to help them fulfil their potential.
WED 29 Jesus showed in his life his concern for the blind, so let us ask that His presence will transform the lives of those who are blind or losing their sight, granting them hope, confidence and patience.
THURS 30 CORPUS CHRISTI Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ on the cross for our salvation, we give thanks for the Holy Eucharist in which we celebrate Christ’s sacrificial dedication to his mission. We pray for all attending today’s service.
FRID 31 Let us commend to God the visitors to our area, and pray those who visit our churches might experience a warm welcome and spiritual refreshment.