June 2021 Prayer Diary
Prayer diary written by Hilary Prescott
TUES 1 Lord, we bring before you all young people whose lives will be affected by any alteration in public or school or college examinations plans. We pray that they will receive the results they deserve . Please guide teachers and examiners as they assess the work.
WED 2 Heavenly Father, we pray for the St. Mary’s Toddlers Group team and for the families who would be attending the sessions.
THURS 3 Corpus Christi We give thanks, Almighty God, for the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist and its reminder of the sacrificial death of Jesus and the salvation we are promised. We pray that it will not be long before we can receive both elements in safety and with joy.
FRID 4 Thank you, Lord, for the foundation of St. David’s Churchyard Group, involving church and community; we pray that there will be plenty of volunteers and that the group will thrive. We pray too for the continuation of the work of St. Mary’s Churchyard Group.
SAT 5 As people are now freer to visit different places, we pray, O God, for safety for all visitors to our area and for the people who work at our tourist venues. We pray that all will be refreshed and cheered by the visits.
SUN 6 Environment Sunday Creator of the world, we pray that you will help and guide all who are working to care for our environment, both here and abroad, so that people , plants and creatures can live in productive harmony with each other. We ask for wise and realistic solutions to the problems of environment and climate change.
MON 7 O Lord God, we ask for your blessing to rest on all who live along Yr Ochr in Fron.
TUES 8 We give thanks, O Lord, for the members of our congregations who monitor the state of our buildings, and ask you to guide them in their assessments and plans. We pray for the provision of adequate funds to meet our needs.
WED 9 Heavenly Father, we bring before you our vicar, curate, churchwardens and stewards and the members of our Church committees. Thank you for their commitment to our churches. We pray for wisdom as decisions are made for the future.
THURS 10 Thank you, loving Lord, for the staff and volunteers at Chirk Health Centre who have been and will be responsible for the Covid Vaccination programme. Bless them in their vital work.
FRID 11 St. Barnabas When we think of Barnabas, O God, his faith, bravery and determination in difficult circumstances, we realise how far we might fall short in our loyal service to you. May your Holy Spirit guide and strengthen us in our discipleship.
SAT 12 Most of us follow our conscience as we follow a wheelbarrow. We push it in front of us in the direction we want to go.
God has given us two hands-one for receiving and the other for giving. Billy Graham
SUN 13 Heavenly Father, we give thanks for our organists: for the time and effort and commitment they have given and give now and offered in the past, enhancing our worship and adding to the beauty of the services. We ask you to bless them richly.
MON 14 Refugee Week Let us pray for all refugees and asylum seekers who in order to survive have had to leave homes, loved ones, jobs, to escape from danger and difficult conditions. Let us ask God for protection for them and for refuges which are welcoming and humane, and for resources and helpers to carry out your work of caring.
TUES 15 Lord, we commit to you the ministers and congregations of the Offa Mission Area and ask for your blessing on them. We give thanks for the leadership of the Revd Kate Tiltman and ask that you will guide those making a decision as to who will follow on in this important role.
WED 16 O happy band of pilgrims,/if onward ye will tread,/with Jesus as your fellow,/to Jesus as your head. The trials that beset you,/the sorrows ye endure,/are known to Christ your Saviour,/whose perfect grace will cure.
THURS 17 Let us pray for all involved in our local businesses and industries and for their future prosperity.
FRID 18 Loving Lord, we bring before you all who have acted as carers in the past months and who are still doing so: may they themselves find the support they need to carry out their roles, especially if they are tired and over-burdened.
SAT 19 We know, O Lord, that things have been very difficult for the people involved in the hospitality business and we pray that as the situation improves regarding the power of the virus, that businesses will be allowed to function and so bring pleasure to customers and relief to the owners and workers. We pray for good sense and optimism to prevail.
SUN 20 Today is seen as Fathers’ Day so let us pray for all fathers, especially those who are finding their role difficult , for those who are unfairly prevented from seeing their children or grandchildren, for those who mourn the loss of a dear child. May they find the support they need. Let us thank God that in Him we have a father who is always there for us and whose love and mercy are unfailing.
MON 21 All -loving God, we pray for our local hospitals and ask for your Spirit of Healing to rest on the patients and to help the staff in their work. We also bring before you for blessing the chaplains and volunteers at the hospitals.
TUES 22 We know, O Almighty God, that you know everything and forget nothing and hold each one of us in your heart; we have not forgotten the members of the Mini Markets team and we give thanks for all they have done for St. Mary’s and the community and ask you to bless them, as we hope that it will not be long before the markets and fund-raising can flourish again.
WED 23 Lord God, we pray for all who live in Walden Crescent, Chirk.
THURS 24 Birth of John the Baptist In Luke’s gospel, John’s father celebrates the future role of his son in your service, O God, and in the mission of Christ. Thank you for John’s sacrificial work and life. Be with all who at this time dedicate themselves to your service, especially with those facing opposition.
FRID 25 Lord God, thank you for the organisations and Leisure Centre in Chirk and the area, which provide sporting activities and run teams. We pray for them and the people they cater for.
SAT 26 May your life-giving presence, O Lord, be with all in our area who are ill; all of the unwell we personally know. Comfort and uphold the suffering who are frustrated with waiting, anxious about the future or undergoing uncomfortable treatment.
SUN 27 O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and how inscrutable his ways…For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory for ever. Amen Romans 11.33,35
MON 28 Let us commit to God’s love the residents and staff of Chirk Court , and pray for their continued safety and wellbeing. Let us pray too for the families and friends of the residents, and for all people with dementia and their families, and ask that God will help them all to cope.
TUES 29 Peter and Paul In Acts we read of the spiritual and physical journeys which Peter and Paul made in their proclamation of the Gospel: Lord, we give thanks for their amazing contribution to the founding of your Church. Help us on our journeys of faith and witness, that we too may grow in knowledge of our Saviour and so help others to know Him better too.
WED 30 All-seeing God, we commit to you all people who are blind or having problems with their sight: grant them the patience, courage and support they need, and empower all organisations devoted to their support. Help us not to take our sight for granted, and to rejoice in the way that it enables us to know the beauty of the world and relate better to people around us.