April 2021 Prayer Diary
Written by Hilary Prescott
THURS 1 MAUNDY THURSDAY Although we might not be able to meet together to remember the Last Supper , let us give thanks for that event and Jesus’ request for us to remember it and what He has done for us
through his death on the cross. Lord, help us too to follow in our own lives the humility and service that Jesus showed on that evening and through His life and death.
FRID 2 GOOD FRIDAY Heavenly Father, on this special day, we bring before you all who, like Jesus did, are suffering from great pain of mind and body, a sense of isolation , desolation, betrayal or loss. May they find the support they need in their darkness and the comfort of those who stand alongside them.
SAT 3 EASTER EVE Let us pray for all who , as the disciples suffered, wait for news or who are coping with bad news, all those feeling uncertain and fearful. Let us give thanks, however, for our church members who over the years in donating and arranging flowers , have brought a note of hope and joy for the future.
SUN 4 EASTER DAY Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ , may reign with Him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit , be praise and honour and glory and might, now and in all eternity. (Collect)
MON 5 Bank Holiday On a day when people can usually enjoy visiting friends , family or places, let us pray for those now unable to do so. May they know patience, wisdom and a sense of God’s blessing with them.
TUES 6 Loving Lord, the resurrection of Jesus brought new life and hope and joy to his followers after the sadness of his death. We pray that the news will bring the same feelings to those who even now are sad. And may the Easter message of hope and life energise and encourage your Church and all the people of the UK as they face the uncertain future.
WED 7 God Almighty, we pray for the well-being of the ministers and congregations of the Offa Mission Area, and for your guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit to help them face the challenges of the year ahead.
THURS 8 Thank you, Lord, for all involved in the ringing of St. Mary’s church bells and their bringing of joy and witness o your presence in the community. We ask you to bless them in their endeavours.
FRID 9 The strife is o’er, the battle done;/now is the Victor’s triumph won;/O let the song of praise be sung: Alleluia. Lord, by the stripes which wounded thee/from death’s dread sting thy servants free, that we may live and sing to thee: Alleluia
SAT 10 Loving Lord, we pray for all who have had weddings planned for the past months and in the future . We ask that their dreams will indeed come true and enable them to build up their relationship with their partner more fully.
SUN 11 We give thanks, Lord God, for the congregation of St. David’s, Fron, and ask you to bless them richly. May the year ahead bring them the chance to witness to your love and care and to build up their relationships with each other as well as with the community and also to establish the church finances on a firm footing .
MON 12 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him is no darkness at all. And if we say we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what is true; but if we are walking in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of
Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 1John 1 5-7
TUES 13 O God of healing, we pray for the patients and staff of our local hospitals and Health Centre; may they know wholeness of mind and body and also the strength and hope needed to move forward. Thank you for all the staff who have worked so hard in difficult circumstances for so long and for the people who have helped with the administration of vaccinations, often in their spare time.
WED 14 Almighty God our Father, we pray for the welfare of the single parent families in our area, especially those in straitened circumstances. May they receive the support and encouragement they need to cope.
THURS 15 Lord, may all who live in South View, Chirk, know your rich blessing.
FRID 16 Thank you, O God, for our church treasurers; we ask you to bless and guide them, particularly now that finances have been affected by the various lockdowns.
SAT 17 Let us give thanks, Heavenly Father, for all in our churches who have given up their time and worked hard to keep our churches clean and safe. We ask you to bless them now and in the future.
SUN 18 Loving Lord God, we remember before you the families and children who are connected with our churches and pray for them and for the maintenance and increase of their faith and knowledge of your love.
MON 19 Let us commit to God the staff and residents of Chirk Court , giving thanks for the care given by the former, and praying for the wellbeing and safety of all who live and work there. Let us pray too for the friends and families of the residents and for a happy renewal of the relationships which have suffered because of the Covid restrictions.
TUES 20 Almighty God, we know that you love all your creation , humans, creatures, and their environments. Thank you for the individuals and organisations which express that love in their fund-raising and work. We pray especially for the charities and caring organisations functioning in Chirk and Fron and for all their loyal supporters.
WED 21 If you do not hope, you will not find out what is beyond your hopes. Christ has turned all our sunsets into dawns. Clement of Alexandria c.150-215
THURS 22 Lord of all, we bring before you the ministers and congregations of our local churches: St. David’s in Fron, St. Mary’s in Chirk, Sacred Heart, Chirk Methodist Church and the Community Church. Thank you for the fellowship we have enjoyed and we pray for its renewal in the future as we work and pray together again.
FRID 23 ST. GEORGE Almighty God our Father, on this day we commit to you all Christians in England and pray for them and for a strengthening of your church in this country. Thank you for all Christians everywhere who now and down the ages have shown courage and even faced death for their love of you , their faith and their care for their fellow human beings.
SAT 24 O God of love, we bring before you for healing and support all
whom we know who are ill, and those in our parishes who are unwell. We
pray too for people here and in the rest of your world, who are poorly and
in pain and who suffer alone, unknown and with little chance of help.
SUN 25 God, we pray for your blessing on all the members of St. Mary’s in
Chirk, thanking you for their commitment to you, the church and to the
local community: may they know your presence with them in times of ease
and of difficulty.
MON 26 ST.MARK THE EVANGELIST Thank you, Lord, for the life and
witness of St. Mark and all who have aimed and do aim to serve you
through their writing. May your Holy Spirit inspire and guide them.
TUES 27 Heavenly Father, we pray for all businesses and industries in our
area as they cope with the problems caused by the pandemic. Guide the
decisions made by owners and managers and grant them hope for the
WED 28 Loving Lord God, we pray for your blessing to rest upon all who
live in Woodland Grove, Fron.
THURS 29 O Ruler of the Universe, we pray today for the men in HMP
Berwyn and for their successful rehabilitation. We also pray for the welfare
of their families. Please bless and guide the staff and the chaplains there.
FRID 30 Let us commit to our Lord the police in our area- for safety ,
wisdom and skill as they work with and for our communities.