St Mary's Church, Chirk
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A Brief History
Information for visitors
The Tower and Bells
R S Thomas
Vicars of the Parish of Chirk
This is the category for the vicar’s weekly noticesheets
Children & Families
This is a category for news items relating to the churchyard group
Regular services etc.
Mini-Market & Mini-Lunches
The Mini-Market is an important weekly event held through the Summer months in our church hall. It is staffed by a group of dedicated volunteers who man stalls, serve refreshments and provide a very warm welcome. They are held between 10am and 12pm. Mini-Lunches are a weekly get together for members of the community and visitors, where a warm soup lunch is served every Tuesday throughout the Winter months.
Sunday Club
All ages welcome to attend Sunday Club, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Sunday Club is held most Sundays in St Mary’s Church Hall. Further details will be found in the Sunday Club section of our website.
Please join us, we’re a friendly group where the children can play with other children (we have lots of toys), enjoy art and craft activities, while parents, grandparents and carers enjoy a friendly chat. We look forward to meeting old and new faces. We meet every Wednesday during term time, 9:15 – 11:15am, in St Mary’s Church Hall, Chirk.
Tower and Bells
This category relates to all things campanology
Newsletter Archive
2005 Newsletters
2006 Newsletters
2007 Newsletters
2008 Newsletters
2009 Newsletters
2010 Newsletters
2011 Newsletters
2012 Newsletters
2013 Newsletters
2014 Newsletters
Church Services
Baptisms, weddings & funerals
Regular Services
Seasonal Services
Seasonal Services
About our churchyard
Churchyard news
Our award-winning Churchyard is freely open for the enjoyment of the community and visitors. A lot of hard work is put in by a group of dedicated volunteers who strive to increase the biodiversity of the area, whilst providing space for quiet prayer, reflection and meditation.
Churchyard Regulations
Our Diary
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Regular services etc.
Macmillan Coffee Morning – 29th September
S Short
8 years
13th August 2017
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